Local Clients for WWOF Unity

Azure Virtual Desktop, also known as Unity at WWOF, can be accessed with a few different applications. If you have a WWOF computer, you should already have the "Windows App" installed, and we recommend using that. However, there are other apps that can be used.

Learn about Remote Desktop Clients. This links to a page that provides an overview of different remote desktop clients that can be used to access Azure Virtual Desktop, including clients for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and more.

Windows App

Windows App Icon
For Windows Devices

    It is an unfortunately-named application, but the "Windows App" is the newest supported app from Microsoft for accessing the virtual desktop environment. If you're using a WWOF device, this app should already be installed, but if not, you can find it in the Company Portal. It provides the best experience for accessing Azure Virtual Desktop on Windows.

  • Already installed? Launch "Windows App" here! - If you already have the Windows App installed, this will attempt to open it on your computer.
  • Open "Windows App" Directly in Store - Clicking this link will open the Windows Store directly to the app's page, allowing you to quickly install or view the app details.
For macOS Devices